We value the importance and benefits of regular physical activity and children's participation in a diverse range of sports and activities, and understand how these activities can enrich a child's physical, emotional and social well being. In order to ensure we provide high quality PE lessons we employ a sports specialist teacher, Mr Waldron, who works with the teachers each week to deliver key, quality PE lessons. Mr Waldron also over sees the organisation of sporting events and competitions. Within the last year we have purchased a school mini bus enabling children of all ages and abilities to access a wide range of activities across the Torridge and North Devon area with other schools.
So far this year each year group has attended multi skills competitions and dance workshops. There have been netball, cross country and athletics competitions and each year group in key stage 2 are being given the opportunity to attend a residential based around adventurous activities and outdoor learning. Despite being a small school, children have ample opportunities to participate in a diverse range of sports, something that we are very proud of.